Tag: Resumania

  • Resumania® in JBD: 1/31 & 2/1

    The Malone Career Center presents Resumania®, a resume critique drop-in. Does your resume present your skills and experience in the best light? Does it effectively convey your qualifications for the positions you will be applying for? You have a lot to offer an employer; don’t let your resume sell you short! Bring a draft of…

  • Resumania® Today! 10-Noon

    The Malone Career Center presents Resumania® a resume critique drop-in. Does your resume present your skills and experience in the best light? Does it effectively convey your qualifications for the positions you will be applying for? You have a lot to offer an employer; don’t let your resume sell you short! Bring a draft of…

  • Resumania!

    Spread out over two weeks beginning Monday, January 25th, the Malone Career Center will be offering a variety of events to help you prepare for the transition to jobs and graduate school. The “Career Crunch Time” schedule kicks off with an event called Resumania, which offers on the spot resume critiques. See the Resumania schedule…

  • Resumania!

    Spread out over two weeks beginning Monday, January 25th, the Malone Career Center will be offering a variety of events to help you prepare for the transition to jobs and graduate school. The “Career Crunch Time” schedule kicks off with an event called Resumania, which offers on the spot resume critiques. See the Resumania schedule…

  • Resumania!

    It’s crunch time in your job and graduate school search. Spread out over two weeks beginning Monday, January 25th, the Malone Career Center will be offering a variety of events to help you prepare for the transition to jobs and graduate school. The “Career Crunch Time” schedule kicks off with an event called Resumania, which…