Tag: On Display

  • Bobblehead Bios

    The latest display in the Maxwell Music Library highlights the Who Was? Series. With over 150 titles, Penguin’s Who Was? children’s book series tells the incredible stories of trailblazers, legends, innovators, and creators.  The bobblehead drawings on the covers were inspired by the caricatures that used to be drawn for the cover of the New York…

  • The Curiosities of Binomial Nomenclature

    Scientists are serious about their work. But when it comes to naming species, they often let down their hair! A few entertaining examples include: Gelae baen – A fungus beetle discovered in 1986 in Oaxaca, Mexico. Aphonopelma johnnycashi – A species of tarantula found in 2015 near Folsom Prison in California, and named after Johnny…

  • Spin the Wheel of Rumi

    Celebrate Islam Awareness Week and “Spin the Wheel of Rumi!” The number you land on determines which Rumi quote is meant for you. Several English translations of Rumi’s poems and books about Rumi are included in the display: The Masnavi: Book One The Masnavi: Book Two Rumi A Moth to the Flame: The Life of…

  • Sturm und Drang in the Library

    Sturm und Drang on Display in the Maxwell Music Library Sturm und Drang noun /shtoormˈ oont dräŋˈ/ (translated as “storm and stress”) Definition of Sturm und Drang 1 : a late 18th-century movement in German literature and music aimed at shocking the audience or imbuing them with extremes of emotion 2 : turmoil The Classical…

  • SC Voter Registration Deadline Extended

    The South Carolina voter registration deadline is extended 10 days in the wake of massive flooding from Hurricane Florence.  According to an article in The Post and Courier, South Carolina voters in all 46 counties have until October 17 to register in person, online or by mail. Pick up a SC voter registration form at the…

  • SSL is your BFF

    Dogs (and the Sanders Science Library) Are Your Best Friends A display in the Sanders Science Library celebrates dogs and Furman students. Titles include: A dog’s history of America: how our best friend explored, conquered, and settled a continent Origins of the domestic dog: the fossil record Dog sense: how the new science of dog…

  • New Books on Display

    A selection of new books is currently on display in the James B. Duke Library. Titles include: How to stop time The end of Eddy Checked The last equation of Isaac Severy : a novel in clues The secret books Good guys Girls burn brighter Men and apparitions : a novel Gun love : a…

  • Blinding Me With Science Fraud

    A new display in the Sanders Science Library entitled, “Blinding Me With Science Fraud,” examines the subject of research misconduct. Titles include: Plastic fantastic: how the biggest fraud in physics shook the scientific world The great betrayal: fraud in science Merchants of doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco…

  • Untranslatable Words

    Visit the James B. Duke Library to view an exhibit of literary translations published by Open Letter, the University of Rochester’s nonprofit, literary translation press. Open Letter is one of only a handful of publishing houses dedicated to increasing access to world literature for English readers. Open Letter searches for works that are extraordinary and influential,…

  • Dam Controversy on Display

    A new display in the Sanders Science Library called “Dam Controversy” includes the following titles: Dam! : water, power, politics, and preservation in Hetch Hetchy and Yosemite National Park Damnation Dam politics : restoring America’s rivers Recovering a lost river : removing dams, rewilding salmon, revitalizing communities Public power, private dams : the Hells Canyon…