Recently Added Titles

Curious & Modern Inventions: Instrumental Music as Discovery in Galileo’s Italy Laterality: Exploring the Enigma of Left-Handedness You’re Dead – So What?: Media, Police, and the Invisibility of Black Women as Victims of Homicide Collapse and Revival: Understanding Global Recessions and Recoveries War Horses of WWI (DVD) Eco-Homes: People, Place and Politics Bad Girls: Young . . .Continue reading Recently Added Titles

Borrow an iPad!

We’ve got gadgets!  The James B. Duke Library loans iPads and Kindles to current students, faculty, and staff.  The check-out period for electronic devices is 2 weeks, with a 2 week renewal if no one is on the waiting list.  You can check availability and place a hold on an electronic device by visiting the . . .Continue reading Borrow an iPad!

Ancient Art Digital Exhibits

In Fall 2015, the students in the class “Art 230: Ancient Art”, taught by Dr. Sarah Archino, were tasked with creating a digital exhibit containing 1 essay and 10 images related to a specific theme. You may browse these themed exhibits below. Ancient Art Digital Exhibits