Visit the James B. Duke Library to browse our latest display based on the question, “What in the world should you read next?” Titles include: Africa Nervous Conditions (Former Rhodesia) Wife of the Gods (Ghana) Children of the Alley (Egypt) The Golden Notebook (Former Rhodesia) Asia Interpreter of Maladies: Stories (India) The Vegetarian: A Novel (South . . .Continue reading On Display: Around the World
Tag: Home Page
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Recently Added Titles
Curious & Modern Inventions: Instrumental Music as Discovery in Galileo’s Italy Laterality: Exploring the Enigma of Left-Handedness You’re Dead – So What?: Media, Police, and the Invisibility of Black Women as Victims of Homicide Collapse and Revival: Understanding Global Recessions and Recoveries War Horses of WWI (DVD) Eco-Homes: People, Place and Politics Bad Girls: Young . . .Continue reading Recently Added Titles
Borrow an iPad!
We’ve got gadgets! The James B. Duke Library loans iPads and Kindles to current students, faculty, and staff. The check-out period for electronic devices is 2 weeks, with a 2 week renewal if no one is on the waiting list. You can check availability and place a hold on an electronic device by visiting the . . .Continue reading Borrow an iPad!
On Display: Adventure!
Currently on display in the James B. Duke Library is a selection of fiction and non-fiction adventure books and films. Titles include: Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster Congo Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: A Casebook Treasure Island True Summit: What Really Happened on the Legendary Ascent of Annapurna King Solomon’s . . .Continue reading On Display: Adventure!
Ancient Art Digital Exhibits
In Fall 2015, the students in the class “Art 230: Ancient Art”, taught by Dr. Sarah Archino, were tasked with creating a digital exhibit containing 1 essay and 10 images related to a specific theme. You may browse these themed exhibits below. Ancient Art Digital Exhibits
Safer’s 60 Minutes Interviews
The 60 Minutes Collection: 1997-2014 provides 350 hours of video from 17 years of broadcasts, including hundreds of segments not available anywhere else in the world. Each news segment within the collection serves as a standalone short documentary on a specific news topic. Within this collection, users will find 169 interviews conducted by the late . . .Continue reading Safer’s 60 Minutes Interviews
May X Photos
Photos from May Experience 2016 classes taught by library faculty members Jenny Colvin and Steve Richardson.
National Library Legislative Day
Outreach Librarian, Libby Young, (right) reports on her trip to Washington, D.C. for National Library Legislative Day: On May 2nd and 3rd I joined librarians and library supporters from all 50 states in Washington, DC for National Library Legislative Day. The American Library Association (ALA) sponsors this annual event to empower people who care about libraries . . .Continue reading National Library Legislative Day
Recently Added Titles
Natural born heroes : how a daring band of misfits mastered the lost secrets of strength and endurance The road taken : the history and future of America’s infrastructure The economics of chocolate The QB : the making of modern quarterbacks The game’s not over : in defense of football Superintelligence : paths, dangers, strategies . . .Continue reading Recently Added Titles
Library Hours During MayX
Library hours during May Experience are as follows: Wednesday May 11 8am-10pm Thursday May 12 8am-10pm Friday May 13 8am-5pm Saturday May 14 1pm-5pm Sunday May 15 1pm-5pm Monday May 16 8am-10pm Tuesday May 17 8am-10pm Wednesday May 18 8am-10pm Thursday May 19 8am-10pm Friday May 20 8am-5pm Saturday May 21 1pm-5pm Sunday May 22 1pm-5pm Monday May . . .Continue reading Library Hours During MayX