Hurricane Matthew Suspends PASCAL Delivers

Due to Hurricane Matthew, PASCAL Delivers requesting has been temporarily suspended. If you’ve recently placed a request, please expect delays with deliveries. For any questions please contact Elaina Griffith at, 864-294-2198. In the interim, we recommend using Interlibrary Loan to request books not owned by the Furman University Libraries. What is PASCAL Delivers? PASCAL . . .Continue reading Hurricane Matthew Suspends PASCAL Delivers

CLP and Corresponding Library Resources

Good White People – CLP Thursday, October 6, 2016, 4-5:30pm McEachern Lecture Hall Dr. Shannon Sullivan has written about well-meaning white liberals that she sums up as “white middle-class goodness,” an orientation she critiques for being more concerned with establishing anti-racist bona fides than with confronting systematic racism and privilege. Sullivan untangles the complex relationships . . .Continue reading CLP and Corresponding Library Resources

National Hunting and Fishing Day

Over 100 years ago, hunters and anglers were the earliest and most vocal supporters of conservation and scientific wildlife management. They were the first to recognize that rapid development and unregulated uses of wildlife were threatening the future of many species. These early conservationists called for the first laws restricting the commercial slaughter of wildlife. . . .Continue reading National Hunting and Fishing Day