Tag: Embrace This Database
Independent Voices
We now have access to Independent Voices through our All Databases page. Independent Voices is a digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals. These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the…
Films on Demand
You know that the Libraries gives our campus access to streaming documentaries and films, right? You know that you can watch them in class or on your computer, your iPad, or your phone, right? You know that you can embed clips of them into Power Points or into Moodle, right? You know that you can…
Embrace This Database: Archives Unbound
Archives Unbound Quick Facts: Scanned primary documents such as letters, memos, FBI surveillance reports, treaties, etc. Topic coverage is diverse, but includes American civil rights movement, European and American colonialism, evangelism around the world, Vietnam War Suitable for History, Political Science, Latin American Studies, Asian Studies, Religion, Anthropology and Sociology research Ease of use: Archives Unbound is…
Finding Polls and Surveys
15% of American Adults Have Used Online Dating Sites or Mobile Dating Apps – Pew Research Poll Tattoo Takeover: Three in Ten Americans Have Tattoos, and Most Don’t Stop at Just One – Harris Poll The Affordable Care Act Doesn’t Rank Highly As an Issue for Voters in the Presidential Primaries – Kaiser Family Poll…
Embrace This Database: CQ Researcher
A Database That Works For You: CQ Researcher Need to know about important issues of the day? Are you writing a speech, looking for a paper topic, or preparing for a debate? CQ Researcher reports are in-depth, reliable, and organized for quickly learning about current events, movements, and controversies that are facing America. Sample topics,…