Water Groove

For the U.N.’s  World Water Day, a gift: Water Groove Music Online: Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries is the largest and most comprehensive streaming audio collection of world music.  It currently provides streaming access to over 44,000 tracks from the Smithsonian archives and world music archives in Asia and Africa. It includes Music from 169 countries from . . .Continue reading Water Groove

In Celebration of the Equinox

In the segment linked via the image above, see Kukulcan’s appearance on the temple at Chichen Itza during the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. It’s from a BBC documentary entitled Tilt: Orbit—Earth’s Extraordinary Journey. Our Films on Demand database offers streaming access to over 25,000 documentary films with closed captioning and interactive transcripts. The database itself is searchable by segment . . .Continue reading In Celebration of the Equinox


Obituaries in the New York Times since its first issue in 1851 have been populated almost exclusively by white men. Even looking at just the last two years, only 20% have been about women. There is, finally, an effort underway to change this, in a project entitled “Overlooked.” Though the first iteration includes only fifteen . . .Continue reading Overlooked

Library Newsletter – Spring 2018

Learn about student summer internships and scholarships, technology updates, winners of the Student Diversity Photography Contest, and how we’re improving the study room experience. Stay up-to-date with new electronic resources, books by international authors, and the Student Scholar of the Month program. The issue also includes an alumni feature, professional activities from Furman Libraries staff . . .Continue reading Library Newsletter – Spring 2018

Lever Press Sets Gears in Motion

Librarians have been talking excitedly about Lever Press, an open-access publisher for digital scholarship led by liberal arts colleges, for several years. Furman was one of the 40 Oberlin Group libraries to support Lever Press at its inception. A recent article in Inside Higher Ed announces that the publisher expects to publish its first works this year.