The Bonus Army

Bonus Army veterans battle with Washington, D.C. police officers at one of their camps. The abandoned Treasury Department building, occupied by members of the Bonus Army, can be seen in the background. 1932. (Underwood Archives\Universal Images Group) Photograph courtesy of ImageQuest database. From The American Century: A History of the United States Since the 1890s/LaFeber, . . .Continue reading The Bonus Army

ARTstor Celebrates Black History Month

ARTstor Digital Library is highlighting several of their collections throughout February in honor of Black History Month.  The ARTstor Digital Library consists of more than one million images covering art, architecture, and archaeology.  It can be accessed by visiting the library’s list of All Databases. Magnum Photos Collection  Magnum photographers have produced some of the . . .Continue reading ARTstor Celebrates Black History Month

Martha Griffiths Speaks Out

Martha Griffiths Speaks Out Against Sex Discrimination: Anniversary – February 8th, 1964.  During the congressional debate over the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Representative Martha Griffiths (D-MI) delivered a memorable speech advocating the prohibition of discrimination based on sex. Her efforts resulted in adding civil rights protection for women to the 1964 Act. She later successfully . . .Continue reading Martha Griffiths Speaks Out

Hispanic Americans in Congress

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 – October 15) a display in the Government Documents Collection highlights a book from the House of Representatives.  Hispanic Americans in Congress, 1822-2012 profiles Hispanic members of Congress, incorporating their government service with the history of United States expansion. Since 1899 at least one Hispanic American has . . .Continue reading Hispanic Americans in Congress