A great CHOICE!

Furman University’s Sanders Science Library is featured on the cover of the American Library Association’s Choice magazine for November 2018. Academic librarians rely on the reviews in Choice for collection development. The publication provides over 500 reviews every month, identifying the best new books and digital content in academia. Choice reaches more than 2,400 colleges and universities worldwide.

SSL is your BFF

Dogs (and the Sanders Science Library) Are Your Best Friends A display in the Sanders Science Library celebrates dogs and Furman students. Titles include: A dog’s history of America: how our best friend explored, conquered, and settled a continent Origins of the domestic dog: the fossil record Dog sense: how the new science of dog . . .Continue reading SSL is your BFF

Help Shape Your University Library: Join LSAG

The Library Student Advisory Group (LSAG) is a group of students who: give the Library feedback when we need a student perspective; serve as a focus group for discussion of library issues; bring student needs and concerns to the Library’s attention and participate in discussions on how to respond to these needs (advocating for students); help bring Library . . .Continue reading Help Shape Your University Library: Join LSAG