The Furman University Libraries are offering a selection of database trials. To discover and access trial databases, visit the library’s guide for Electronic Resources Trials. Ethnic NewsWatch Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW) is a collection of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press. This resource includes unique community publications not found in any other database, as . . .Continue reading Newly Activated Database Trials
Category: Research Resources
The Wizard Behind the Curtain
For the Furman University Libraries to function, a lot of the work goes on behind the scenes. Meet the wizard behind the curtain, Rebekah Ostini. Rebekah is the Coordinator for Content Management who oversees acquisitions, coordinates the purchasing of new materials, creates and maintains access to electronic resources, and handles the serials. In addition to . . .Continue reading The Wizard Behind the Curtain
SC Voter Registration Deadline Extended
The South Carolina voter registration deadline is extended 10 days in the wake of massive flooding from Hurricane Florence. According to an article in The Post and Courier, South Carolina voters in all 46 counties have until October 17 to register in person, online or by mail. Pick up a SC voter registration form at the . . .Continue reading SC Voter Registration Deadline Extended
Happy National Hispanic Heritage Month
From September 15th to October 15th, organizations around the U.S. will celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by honoring the many contributions that Hispanic Americans have made to our society. Do you need to brush up on your Spanish or Portuguese? Mango Languages offers courses in Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Spain), and Portuguese. Mango Languages is an online language . . .Continue reading Happy National Hispanic Heritage Month
What is a GONGO?
Most people have heard of NGOs, but have you ever heard of GONGOs? GONGOs (rhymes with “bongos”) are “government-organized non-governmental organizations.” Yes, it’s an oxymoron. Meant to be distractions, these are often run by authoritarian countries as a way to adulterate criticism from human rights groups and other watchdogs. As the U.S. ambassador to the Organization for . . .Continue reading What is a GONGO?
Republican Senator Nominated to Supreme Court
September 18, 1945 The prospect of a vacancy on the Supreme Court generally stirs speculation about which incumbent members of the Senate might be eligible candidates. Given the increasing contentiousness of the Senate review process for high court vacancies, some believe that selecting one of the Senate’s own members might smooth the road to a . . .Continue reading Republican Senator Nominated to Supreme Court
The CRAAP Test
Evaluating Your Sources: The Basics Learn to look critically at everything. Determining the quality of your resources is ultimately your responsibility, so if you have any doubts (and you should often doubt!) investigate it further. Some criteria are essential to consider for all types of sources you consider using. These include CURRENCY, RELEVANCE, AUTHORITY, ACCURACY, and . . .Continue reading The CRAAP Test
Past Masters
The Furman University Libraries are hosting a database trial to Past Masters. This trial will be available through Sunday, October 7, 2018. Past Masters Past Masters series encompasses the largest collection of primary source full-text electronic editions in philosophy in the world. The series includes significant collections in the history of political thought and theory, . . .Continue reading Past Masters
How to Successfully Surf a MeSH Pit
No, sorry, your librarians are not experts in surfing mosh pits. However, we can offer helpful tips for searching PubMed using MeSH terms. This video demonstrates how to use the MeSH, or Medical Subject Headings, database to create a targeted PubMed search. MeSH is the controlled vocabulary used for indexing PubMed citations. If you have questions or . . .Continue reading How to Successfully Surf a MeSH Pit
US Navy Vessel Captured by North Korea
Over the last few months, tensions between the United States and North Korea have been high. Fifty years ago, the two countries faced a crisis that found nearly half of the US public expecting war. On January 23, 1968, the US Navy intelligence-gathering vessel Pueblo was fired upon and captured by North Korea, which claimed it had . . .Continue reading US Navy Vessel Captured by North Korea