New Resource – American National Biography

The library recently purchased the online version of American National Biography. While not specifically a music resource, it is rich with music-related content. If you are familiar with the more well-known (British) National Biography, this is a similar resource – an attempt to collect reliable biographical entries for Americans with significant contribution to history, invention, . . .Continue reading New Resource – American National Biography

Safari Books Online

Safari Books Online has recently been added to the Library’s list of All Databases. Our subscription includes access to the Safari Basic Tech Library. Focused specifically on technology, it covers the most recent 3 years of content published by Safari.

19th Century Newspapers

The library now offers 19th Century U.S. Newspapers as a new resource. This collection provides access to primary source newspaper content from the 19th century, featuring full-text content and images from numerous newspapers from a range of urban and rural regions throughout the U.S.

Chicago Manual of Style Online

The Library now has access to the Chicago Manual of Style Online. A link for this online manual can be found on the Library homepage in the list of All Databases. This new resource provides access to both the 15th and 16th editions. The online Manual includes a Citation Quick Guide and other helpful tools.

Database Trial Ends June 30th

The trial of Sustainability Watch runs through June 30th. Sustainability Watch provides evidence-based summaries on over 200 sustainability-related topics. The database monitors journals and periodicals, and presents best practices in a variety of sustainability areas including environmental impacts and pollution prevention initiatives, corporate citizenship, and long-term sustainable business practices.