Satchmo and Babe

A new display is up in the Government Documents Collection at the James B. Duke Library entitled, “World War I Draft Registration Cards: Famous, Infamous, and Interesting.” On April 6, 1917, the United States declared war on Germany and officially entered World War I.  Six weeks later, the Selective Service Act was passed, which authorized . . .Continue reading Satchmo and Babe

Historic Health Care Decision Available

As the U.S. Supreme Court makes its historic decision on The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act today, the authentic, electronic version of the law is available on the U.S. Government Printing Office’s  Federal Digital System (FDsys). GPO authenticated the document by digital signature. This signature assures the public that the document has not been . . .Continue reading Historic Health Care Decision Available

Alligators, duels, and the legal weird

  There are some laws that seem really annoying. Come on, admit it: you secretly hope that law about using a cell phone and driving isn’t passed in South Carolina. I mean, yeah, it’s dangerous, you say, but it’s one of those necessary evils of the busy lifestyle…right? image from If you think some laws passed these . . .Continue reading Alligators, duels, and the legal weird