Landmark Directive Opens Access to Scientific Research

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:February 22, 2013 SPARC APPLAUDS WHITE HOUSE FOR LANDMARK DIRECTIVE OPENING UP ACCESS TO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Ensures that Taxpayer-Funded Research Available to Public  Washington, D.C. – The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) today applauded President Obama for issuing a landmark Directive to ensure that the results of taxpayer-funded research – both articles . . .Continue reading Landmark Directive Opens Access to Scientific Research

What is theSEARCH?

“theSEARCH” is a discovery engine that allows you to simultaneously search Furman’s library catalog and many of our subject databases. It acts like a Google search exclusively tailored to the Furman universe! By design, you will get a wide array of results including books, articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers, electronic books, government documents, and . . .Continue reading What is theSEARCH?

Preparing Your Mind to Write a Research Paper

As you approach the countdown to research papers, remember that sometimes what your brain needs most is a break. “After spending time in a quiet rural setting, close to nature, people exhibit greater attentiveness, stronger memory, and generally improved cognition. Their brains become both calmer and sharper…. When people aren’t being bombarded by external stimuli, . . .Continue reading Preparing Your Mind to Write a Research Paper

Preparing Your Mind to Write a Research Paper

As you approach the countdown to research papers, remember that sometimes what your brain needs most is a break. “After spending time in a quiet rural setting, close to nature, people exhibit greater attentiveness, stronger memory, and generally improved cognition. Their brains become both calmer and sharper…. When people aren’t being bombarded by external stimuli, . . .Continue reading Preparing Your Mind to Write a Research Paper