Category: Research Services
When to use Google Scholar
When using Google Scholar might be a good idea: Your topic is interdisciplinary and very specific You are comfortable searching Google, but want to focus on scholarly resources You want to find citing references for an article (hint: learn more about citing references here) When using Google Scholar might work against you: Your topic is…
Special Collections Hours
Beginning Monday, August 24, the hours for Special Collections and Archives changed to Tuesday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Please call or email in advance so we can confirm your appointment time and pull materials ahead of your visit. For faculty or students who have research needs and can’t make it during our…
International Student Orientation
New international students attended a library orientation session. Brainstorming keywords is fun!
Is it peer-reviewed?
“Refereed” (also called “peer-reviewed) means that the articles in the journal are evaluated by a group of experts in the field. These experts must approve the articles before they are allowed to be published. These publications have a much higher level of scholarship and are far more trustworthy than non-refereed journals or magazines. To help…
A Librarian in Your Pocket
Got a question and a cell phone? Text your librarian at (864) 214-7172.
The Squarcialupi Codex
In 2014, the Maxwell Music Library made a large purchase – in every sense of that word! The Squarcialupi Codex is a facsimile of a 15th century manuscript named for its owner, the Italian organist and composer Antonio Squarcialupi. Squarcialupi did not create the Codex himself; rather, it was produced by the monastery of Santa…
Research Assistance Hours
In addition, we are often on call, Monday through Friday. Feel free to come behind the desk and down the hallway to visit our offices for research assistance.
Change in Hours for Special Collections
Beginning Monday, May 11, the hours for Special Collections and Archives located on the second floor of the James B. Duke Library, will change to Monday – Friday, 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Please call or email in advance so we can confirm your appointment time and pull materials ahead of your visit. For faculty or students who have…
Pearls of the Czech New Wave
Among new DVD additions this week is this group of four films from the Czech New Wave 60s: Rozmarné léto (Capricious summer) Perličky na dně (Pearls of the deep) Návrat ztraceného syna (Return of the prodigal son) Sedmikrásky (Daisies) Along with the following award winning mix: Interstellar – 2015 Academy Award for Best Visual Effects…