Category: Research Services

  • Migrate “Legacy” RefWorks Entries

    Migrating Your “Legacy” Refworks Entries into New RefWorks 1. Even though you had an account for the old RefWorks, you need to create a new one for the new RefWorks. Navigate to and click the CREATE ACCOUNT button under the login line. Use your Furman email address so it knows you’re authorized to have…

  • Workshops & Training

    Work smarter, not harder. On-demand workshops from the libraries can be requested as individual training sessions, group sessions (departmental retreats or committee meetings), or as sessions for classes you are teaching. We can also meet with students one-on-one. You may contact your library liaison or send an email to Topics: Audio and Music Resources: Streaming and…

  • Downtime Notification: Get It Now

    Due to upgrades, Get It Now will be briefly unavailable from Saturday, October 22 at 12:00 PM through Sunday, October 23 at 11:59 PM The Get It Now service apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and they have assured us that they will do their very best to complete the upgrades faster than anticipated. What is…

  • Database Trial: U.S. Political Stats

    The U.S. elections are almost upon us. With the race to The White House heating up and 469 seats in the U.S. Congress up for election this year, now, more than ever, people need to be able to collect, analyze and interpret data covering all three branches of the United States government. Furman University Library is…

  • What is Scan and Deliver?

    What is Scan and Deliver?  Scan and Deliver is an article and book chapter delivery service.  When you need an article from a journal or a chapter from a book which is owned by the library only in print or microformat, we will scan the article/book chapter and deliver it to you electronically through your…

  • Newly Activated Database Trial

    The Furman Libraries are offering a trial for Classical Scores Library. This trial will be available through Monday, August 29, 2016. To discover and access trial databases, visit Electronic Resources Trials. Classical Scores Library is a reliable and authoritative source for scores of the classical canon, as well as a resource for the discovery of…

  • What do I read next?

    Summer is in full swing, so you may be wondering “what do I read next”? If so, the online library resource Books & Authors offers title recommendations, reading lists, and more. You can search Books & Authors by title, author, genre, keyword and series.  Users can also perform an “if you like…” search, awards search, and who, what, when, where…

  • Newly Activated Database Trial

    The Furman Libraries is offering a trial for Mental Measurements with Tests in Print.  This trial will be available through Friday, August 19, 2016. To discover and access trial databases, visit Electronic Resources Trials. Mental Measurements with Tests in Print All Mental Measurements Yearbook entries contain descriptive information (test purpose, publisher, pricing, population and scores) and…

  • Class of 2020

    Welcome, Class of 2020! Campus is coming alive as we meet our new first year students. The Furman Libraries is attending all the Summer O fairs to welcome students and families, give them a small college survival kit, and encourage them to get into the library habit, early and often! The librarians don’t give students grades, but our experience…

  • Library Hours During MayX

    Library hours during May Experience are as follows: Wednesday May 11 8am-10pm Thursday May 12 8am-10pm Friday May 13 8am-5pm Saturday May 14 1pm-5pm Sunday May 15 1pm-5pm Monday May 16 8am-10pm Tuesday May 17 8am-10pm Wednesday May 18 8am-10pm Thursday May 19 8am-10pm Friday May 20 8am-5pm Saturday May 21 1pm-5pm Sunday May 22 1pm-5pm Monday May…