Category: Borrowing Services

  • Scan & Deliver

     Scan & Deliver What is Scan & Deliver? Scan & Deliver is an article and book chapter delivery service. When you need an article from a journal or a chapter from a book which is owned by the library only in print or microformat, we will scan the article/book chapter and deliver it to you electronically through…

  • Library Lends iPads

      Check it out! Kindles and iPads are available for circulation at the James B. Duke Library.  The check-out period for electronic devices is 2 weeks, with a 2 week renewal if no one is on the waiting list.  This service is extended to our current students, faculty, and staff.  For more details, visit:

  • Interlibrary Loan Deadlines

    ** Deadlines for ordering Interlibrary Loan items **     Classes end December 4th. 11/21/2012 – the last day to submit ILL requests for BOOKS. 11/30/2012 – the last day to submit ILL requests for ARTICLES. These deadlines apply only to those items needed before the end of Fall term.  Requests submitted after these deadlines will be…

  • Book Drop Locations

    Do you have a growing stack of library materials to return? Borrowed materials can be returned at any book drop location on campus: exterior book drop at the front entrance of the James B. Duke Library interior book drop at the Circulation Desk in the James B. Duke Library interior book drop in the Maxwell…

  • Scan & Deliver

     Scan & Deliver What is Scan & Deliver? Scan & Deliver is an article and book chapter delivery service. When you need an article from a journal or a chapter from a book which is owned by the library only in print or microformat, we will scan the article/book chapter and deliver it to you electronically through…

  • PASCAL Expands Service

    Here’s something to get excited about… PASCAL Delivers is now available 5 days a week! What is PASCAL? The Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries (PASCAL) is a consortium of academic libraries in South Carolina. What is PASCAL Delivers? “PASCAL Delivers” is a rapid book delivery service for the patrons of all PASCAL member institutions. …

  • Scan & Deliver

    With so many of the science journals linked directly to the research databases, it can really disrupt your research process to locate a print copy of an article. Let the library do the searching – and digitizing – for you with Scan & Deliver. If you locate an article or book chapter that the Furman…

  • Library Lends iPads

    Kindles and iPads are available for checkout for current students, faculty, and staff.  The checkout period for electronic devices is 2 weeks.  You can check availability and place a hold on an electronic device by visiting the Circulation Desk in the library or by calling 864-294-2265. Visit this website for more details.

  • Call Numbers Via Text

    Scrap the scrap paper! The “Send via Text Message” button in the library catalog allows you to text the title, call number, and library location for a book to your cell phone. Here’s how to do it: 1.  Search the Classic Catalog as usual. 2.  Select a book from the list by clicking on its…