Category: Borrowing Services

  • Recent Additions!

    The following titles have been added to the library’s collection during the past 30 days. The titles are linked to more information in the library catalog.

  • Pearls of the Czech New Wave

    Among new DVD additions this week is this group of four films from the Czech New Wave 60s: Rozmarné léto (Capricious summer) Perličky na dně  (Pearls of the deep) Návrat ztraceného syna   (Return of the prodigal son) Sedmikrásky  (Daisies) Along with the following award winning mix: Interstellar – 2015 Academy Award for Best Visual Effects…

  • Interlibrary Loan Deadlines

    ** Deadlines for ordering InterLibrary Loan items ** Classes end April 28th.  4/14/2015 – the last day to submit BOOK & other loan ILL requests. 4/25/2015 – the last day to submit ARTICLE ILL requests. The deadlines apply only to those items needed before the end of Spring term. Requests submitted after these deadlines will…

  • Borrow an iPad

    We’ve got gadgets!  The James B. Duke Library loans iPads and Kindles to current students, faculty, and staff.  The check-out period for electronic devices is 2 weeks, with a 2 week renewal if no one is on the waiting list.  You can check availability and place a hold on an electronic device by visiting the…

  • PASCAL Delivers Deadlines

    The end of term is fast approaching, and schools across the state will not lend books over the break.  Friday, Dec. 12th is the last day that you may make a request through PASCAL Delivers.  Friday, Dec. 19th is the last day for book deliveries this year.  Deliveries will resume and requests may again be…

  • InterLibrary Loan Deadlines

    ** Deadlines for ordering InterLibrary Loan items ** Classes end December 9th! 11/25/2014 – the last day to submit BOOKS & other loan ILL requests. 12/4/2014 – the last day to submit ARTICLE ILL requests. The deadlines apply only to those items needed before the end of Fall term. Requests submitted after these deadlines will…

  • EBL Ebook Upgrades

    The ebook vendor EBL is merging with ProQuest and they are working on merging their platforms. EBL has many great features such as the bookshelf, personal collections and notes available for export. ProQuest is keeping all of these great features. In order to take full advantage of all of these tools for our users, we…

  • How do I renew a book?

    This video will show you how to renew Furman Library books and other items.

  • Article Delivery Service

    Scan & Deliver is an article and book chapter delivery service.  When you need an article from a journal or a chapter from a book which is owned by the library only in print or microformat, we will scan the article/book chapter and deliver it to you electronically through your ILLiad account. What can be…