Category: Borrowing Services
Crunch Lit
Crunch Lit / Katy Shaw – The financial crisis of 2008 quickly gave rise to a growing body of fiction: “Crunch Lit”. These ‘recession writings’ take the financial crisis as their central narrative concern and explore its effects on consumer culture, gender roles and contemporary communities. Examining a range of texts including John Lanchester’s Capital,…
Heard any good books lately?
As you prepare to hit the road for winter break, don’t forget to check out the Library’s great selection of audiobooks. Nothing helps pass the time like listening to a good audiobook. We have hundreds of books on CD that might be of interest to you. The Library’s collection of audiobooks includes biographies, classics, best-selling…
Appalachian Trail CLP-Library Resources
CLP: Lessons Learned from the Nature of the Appalachian Trail WHEN: Monday, November 28, 2016, 7 – 8:30pm WHERE: Johns Hall, Room 101 A National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, Jennifer Pharr Davis has logged over 13,000 miles of long distance trails on six continents, including thru-hikes of the Pacific Crest Trail, Colorado Trail, Vermont’s…
Hurricane Matthew Suspends PASCAL Delivers
Due to Hurricane Matthew, PASCAL Delivers requesting has been temporarily suspended. If you’ve recently placed a request, please expect delays with deliveries. For any questions please contact Elaina Griffith at, 864-294-2198. In the interim, we recommend using Interlibrary Loan to request books not owned by the Furman University Libraries. What is PASCAL Delivers? PASCAL…
What is PASCAL Delivers?
If the book you need isn’t in our collection, don’t give up! A service called PASCAL Delivers enables you to borrow books from other university libraries in South Carolina. This very short video will show you how to submit your requests: Books are delivered within 3 to 5 business days by the PASCAL Delivers courier. You’ll…
Borrow an iPad!
Did you know the James B. Duke Library loans iPads and Kindles to current students, faculty, and staff? The check-out period for electronic devices is 2 weeks, with a 2 week renewal if no one is on the waiting list. You can check availability and place a hold on an electronic device by visiting the Circulation…
What do I read next?
Summer is in full swing, so you may be wondering “what do I read next”? If so, the online library resource Books & Authors offers title recommendations, reading lists, and more. You can search Books & Authors by title, author, genre, keyword and series. Users can also perform an “if you like…” search, awards search, and who, what, when, where…
Recently Added Titles
Habitual offenders : a true tale of nuns, prostitutes, and murderers in seventeenth-century Italy Greek mythology : a traveler’s guide from Mount Olympus to Troy The gift of the gab : how eloquence works You may also like : taste in an age of endless choice Breaking down Breaking Bad : critical perspectives Shoe dog…
New Travel Guides!
Brussels, Bruges, Ghent & Antwerp Budapest Czech & Slovak Republics Japan Madrid Moscow Switzerland Denmark Eyewitness Travel Scotland Vienna Italy : Top Sights, Authentic Experiences Hungary Top 10 Copenhagen Top 10 Prague
Recently Added Titles
Curious & Modern Inventions: Instrumental Music as Discovery in Galileo’s Italy Laterality: Exploring the Enigma of Left-Handedness You’re Dead – So What?: Media, Police, and the Invisibility of Black Women as Victims of Homicide Collapse and Revival: Understanding Global Recessions and Recoveries War Horses of WWI (DVD) Eco-Homes: People, Place and Politics Bad Girls: Young…