Category: Borrowing Services
CLP & Corresponding Library Resources
Poet Sean Hill will read from his latest collection, Dangerous Goods, on Friday, November 9, from 4 – 5 p.m. in McEachern Lecture Hall. This CLP is sponsored by the English Department. Dangerous Goods and Hill’s first publication, Blood Ties & Brown Liquor: Poems, can be checked out from the Furman University Libraries.
Dr. Douglas Brinkley’s Books
Dr. Douglas Brinkley, a best-selling author and one of America’s most revered presidential historians, will speak at The Poinsett Club in downtown Greenville on Thursday, October 25, at 6 p.m. His talk, “Highs and Lows of the American Presidency: Past, Present and Future,” is sponsored by the American History Book Club (AHBC) and Forum and…
Pascal visits the library!
Meet Pascal the bookworm! He’s visiting all the PASCAL member libraries and spreading the word about the Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries. If you need a book that we don’t have, check PASCAL ( to see if it is available through a partner library. This service is free to Furman students, faculty, and staff. Want more…
PASCAL Services Temporarily Suspended
Due to Hurricane Florence, PASCAL Delivers patron requesting and courier services will be suspended effective Tuesday, September 11 until further notice. All deliveries will stop, including items already in transit, and patrons will be unable to submit requests for materials. If you need an item that Furman Libraries does not own, please use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to…
Furman Education Professor Paul Thomas has published a new book, Trumplandia: Unmasking Post-Truth America. Dr. Thomas’ book was featured in a Furman News article last March.
Consumptive Chic
CONSUMPTIVE CHIC: A HISTORY OF BEAUTY, FASHION, AND DISEASE Dr. Carolyn A. Day Long before “heroin chic” made headlines, the emaciated figure and feverish flush associated with tuberculosis victims were admired as beautiful. As the disease spread throughout Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, it became commonplace to regard tuberculosis as a positive affliction, one to be emulated in beauty…
Newly Added Audiobooks
The Furman University Libraries have a growing collection of popular fiction and non-fiction titles on CD. This collection is located to the left of the Circulation Desk in the James B. Duke Library. New additions to the audiobook collection include the following titles: The Hazel Wood : a novel There your heart lies : a…
Don’t Blink
DON’T BLINK Matt Olson, co-founder and leader of the Unhinged Sextet and professor of music at Furman Unhinged Sextet, a jazz ensemble comprised of six leading jazz educators from across the United States, is dedicated to recording the original compositions of its members. They released their second recording, “Don’t Blink,” in August 2017, on OA2 Records, a Seattle record label. Like their first recording, “Clarity,” “Don’t…
The World is on Fire
THE WORLD IS ON FIRE Dr. Joni Tevis Joni Tevis’ The World is on Fire: Scrap, Treasure, and Songs of Apocalypse is a nonfiction book about living in a haunted world. Its essays draw on material gathered from her trips to San Jose, California, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, the Cave of the…