Category: Exhibits

  • Exercise Your Right to Research

    To celebrate Open Access Week, the Duke Library has an exhibit in the Research Commons with information from the Right to Research Coalition a student-run group made up of 77 college student organizations who are committed to open access and have signed the Student Statement on the Right to Research.  A part of the exhibit…

  • On Display: The Healing Power of Music

    A selection of books about how music therapy can improve health outcomes is currently on display in the Maxwell Music Library. This exhibit called “Music is My Medicine: The Healing Power of Music” includes the following titles: Scales to Scalpels: Doctors Who Practice the Healing Arts of Music and Medicine Beyond the Roof of the World:…

  • Book Illustration Processes: 1498-2016

    Illustrations have been important components of books from the start. Woodcut images appeared in the first printed books, and even preceded them in early blockbooks and prints made in Germany in the early- to mid-fifteenth century. Because books were printed using relief processes from the fifteenth through late twentieth centuries, many different types of relief…

  • Indigenous Peoples’ Day

    Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a holiday that celebrates the Indigenous peoples of North America. It is celebrated in various localities in the United States. It began as a counter-celebration to Columbus Day, promoting Native American culture and commemorating the history of Native American peoples. – from Wikipedia Columbus Day, in the United States, holiday (originally October…

  • Celebrating Disability Inclusion

    October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. The Furman Libraries and the Student Office for Accessibility Resources are celebrating with a display in the Research Commons of the Duke Library. The display features an informational poster (with a Braille translation) and a selection of disability-related fiction and non-fiction books available for check-out. There is also…

  • Women & LGBTQ+ in STEM

    A new display in the Sanders Science Library highlights women and LGBTQ+ in STEM. Furman University professors are featured and library materials include: The only woman in the room : why science is still a boys’ club Women in science: then and now The man who knew too much : Alan Turing and the invention…

  • Discovery by Design

    As Chrissy Hicks ’20 clicked play on her laptop, music that has not been heard for centuries filled the quiet study area in Furman’s Special Collections. The product of ten weeks of meticulous study and transcription, Hicks brought these original Medieval music manuscripts back to life. Her project is part of the Special Collections and…

  • Furman Faces

    If you’ve walked into the Duke Library recently, you’ve probably seen the new display in the library’s foyer titled “Furman Faces: Pictures from the Bonhomie Yearbook.” This display (and all the foyer displays) was organized and executed by Nancy Sloan, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian. The photographs represent 116 years of student history from Furman’s time…

  • Eclipse@Furman

    Currently on display in the Sanders Science Library is a selection of interesting books about solar eclipses. Please feel free to check out any of the books on display in preparation for the total solar eclipse occurring on August 21. Titles include: The solar eclipse of 2017: where and how to best view it In…

  • Speaking Our Minds

    Visit the James B. Duke Library to view an exhibit about free speech. Titles include: We must not be afraid to be free : stories of free expression in America Freedom for the thought that we hate : a biography of the First Amendment Campus hate speech on trial The soul of the First Amendment…