Category: Exhibits

  • 2012 Olympics

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by david ian roberts In just a few days, the 2012 Olympic Games will begin in London.  We all know the Olympics originated in ancient Greece.  But beyond that, how much do you really know about the Olympics?  If you’re interested in learning more, visit the Library’s display highlighting books…

  • On Your Next Visit

    On your next visit to the James B. Duke Library, make sure you stop by the Government Documents Collection to see the new display commemorating the bicentennial of the War of 1812. How much do you know about the War of 1812?  Come see the display and test your knowledge with the War of 1812…

  • Wish You Were Here

    Wish You Were Here Postcard Exhibition Exhibition Dates:  May 1 – August 24, 2012 Is the price of gas too high for a road trip?  Too many camps for kids, too much yard work or just plain too much to enjoy traveling this summer?  If so, travel locally (and vicariously) and drop by Special Collections…

  • Alligators, duels, and the legal weird

      There are some laws that seem really annoying. Come on, admit it: you secretly hope that law about using a cell phone and driving isn’t passed in South Carolina. I mean, yeah, it’s dangerous, you say, but it’s one of those necessary evils of the busy lifestyle…right? image from If you think some laws passed these…

  • Odd Hobbies of Famous Writers

    What did Franz Kafka do when he wasn’t imagining himself turning into a fly?What did Emily Dickenson do with all the time she had on her hands hiding from the world?What relieved Ayn Rand’s stress when she had writer’s block with 1000 pages left to go? Come see the new display in the library! Located…

  • Staff Picks On Display

    Staff Picks: Favorites From our Children’s Collection We are excited to announce our newest public display highlighting childhood favorites. It’s a fantastic display that you should stop by and see at your earliest convenience. Reminisce, chat, compare and contrast our selections with your favorites.

  • Celebrate Freedom to Read

    Furman Libraries observes Banned Book Week (September 24-October 1) with a display of books banned at different times in different places, that freely circulate from our collection. We don’t take our freedom to read for granted! Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too. ~Voltaire

  • Gulf Oil Spill Report

    A year ago this month, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion happened, spewing oil into the Gulf Coast of the United States for 3 months. How did this happen? Who is at blame? What protections need to be made for the future? President Obama commissioned an investigative report. Come see the display of Deep water…

  • Global Citizens Read!

    Remember the bumper sticker “Think Globally, Act Locally”? The library wants to update that to “Think Globally, Read Locally” and we’re ready to help! Come and see our new Year of Global Citizenship display of library books that promote awareness, knowledge and sensitivity to other nations, cultures and religions, and issues that face all “global…

  • We the Students

    The newest display in the library’s government documents area uses some recent and well-publicized cases involving students to show how a case makes its way to the Supreme Court. Of course, the library has all the resources needed to track a case through the court system. The entire set of the U.S. Reports is shelved…