Author: Jenny

  • Navigating the Current Periodicals

    As we approach an increasingly digital environment, some of our journal subscriptions will go online because of package or consortial deals. This has already happened with the titles put out by Oxford University Press, which includes Early Music, Music & Letters, The Musical Quarterly, and The Opera Quarterly. While you will no longer see them…

  • Extended Hours Trial – October 26-30

    It has come to our attention that students want the music library to be open more, particularly Sunday afternoons and weekday evenings. We will be doing a trial of additional hours. You can vote for them by showing up during this time! Sunday, October 26 1 pm – midnightMonday, October 27 8 am – midnightTuesday,…

  • The Virtual Music Library

    Classes at Furman start today. If you are in Greenville, welcome back! I wanted to make sure you were aware of the resources you can access from outside of the library. Furman subscribes to four streaming audio databases. Because we have unlimited users for each one, you can use these for course-related listening or just…

  • Students Honored

    This year, six graduating seniors were honored by having listening carrels in the Maxwell Music Library dedicated to them for the 2008-2009 academic year. The students have all contributed to the library as workers, scholars, or by heavy use of the library and its resources. This year’s honorees include Katie Chapman, McMillan Gaither, Nikki Kindelberger,…

  • Southern Gospel Convention Singing

    Piano in the Corner Originally uploaded by sh1mm3r I recently attended the Farther Along Conference, the first conference to focus on the tradition of southern gospel convention singing. This was a new church music genre for me. I have experienced shape-note singing as a scholar and as a participant, and grew up listening to gospel…

  • Film Music Resources

    You are in a dark theater, watching a movie, when suddenly a melody you recognize starts to play in the background. Abandoning the story line, your brain starts to turn. Have you played this piece? Was it a work you had to listen to for music history? Why is it so familiar? There are several…

  • DRAM Database Now Available

    DRAM is a not-for-profit resource providing CD quality audio, complete and original liner notes and essays from New World Records, Composers Recordings, Inc. (CRI) and other important labels. Currently, there are over 1,500 CDs (9,800 compositions) in DRAM. The basis for the current collection is the diverse catalogue of American music recordings by New World…

  • Shape Note Singing

    The class after lunch, Rutherfordton, December 8, 2007 Originally uploaded by contrapunctus On Saturday, I drove with another librarian to Rutherfordton, NC, to attend what is known as a “singing.” Shape note singing is a rich tradition in this area, based on the English “singing school” tradition from the 18th century. It was originally used…

  • DRAM Database Trial

    DRAM is a not-for-profit resource providing CD quality audio, complete and original liner notes and essays from New World Records, Composers Recordings, Inc. (CRI) and other important labels. Currently, there are over 1,500 CDs (9,800 compositions) in DRAM. The basis for the current collection is the diverse catalogue of American music recordings by New World…

  • New Resource – Music Online

    The Library now has a subscription to Music Online, which includes three databases of streaming music – African American Song, Classical Music Library, and Smithsonian Global Sound. African American Song covers jazz, blues, gospel, and other forms of African American musical expression. From the earliest recordings of Afro-American music made in the late 19th century…