Author: Jenny

  • Studying for Graduate Level Music History Exams

     It is that time of year!  If you are a senior applying to graduate programs in music, you are starting to hear about auditions, interviews, and entrance examinations for those universities.  The Maxwell Music Library has several resources that will help you in your preparation.If you have more than a week, you should flip back…

  • “The President’s Own” Marine Band

    Furman is preparing for a performance of “The President’s Own” Marine Band on Friday, October 28.  I’m sorry to say that if you did not get tickets in the first five hours they were available, you might miss out on seeing them live this time around. Do not despair!  The Maxwell Music Library has a…

  • Tributes to the Fallen – Music of 9/11

    Come by and see our display about music inspired by the events around 9/11/01, expertly prepared by students Will H. and Chase M. Included among the works are a handful that we have recordings for: As All the Heavens Were a Bell by Jay Bocook Memorial by René Clausen On the Transmigration of Souls by…

  • New Resource: Computer Science Digital Library

    The library just purchased the Computer Science Digital Library, and I went hunting for music content. There is quite a bit in there on digital music, tuning/temperament, and electro-acoustics. The nature of the material is pretty technical, most of it coming from computer science journals, but would be useful for the students really interested in…

  • New Resource – American National Biography

    The library recently purchased the online version of American National Biography. While not specifically a music resource, it is rich with music-related content. If you are familiar with the more well-known (British) National Biography, this is a similar resource – an attempt to collect reliable biographical entries for Americans with significant contribution to history, invention,…

  • Naxos is in the Building!

    Thanks to all of your positive feedback, the Furman Libraries now subscribe to Naxos Music Library. This wonderful classical music resource includes (at last count) over 740,000 tracks. While it may have started as a digital collection of the Naxos label, it now includes many labels. The first track I listened to was On a…

  • New Trial – Naxos Music Library

    There is a trial of Naxos Music Library up and running, for Furman faculty, staff, and students only. Click here to access the trial. Naxos Music Library is one of the world´s largest online classical music libraries. Offers streaming access to more than 46,000 CDs with more than 653,000 tracks, standard and rare repertoire. Over…

  • Preparing Your Mind to Write a Research Paper

    As you approach the countdown to research papers, remember that sometimes what your brain needs most is a break. “After spending time in a quiet rural setting, close to nature, people exhibit greater attentiveness, stronger memory, and generally improved cognition. Their brains become both calmer and sharper…. When people aren’t being bombarded by external stimuli,…

  • Kilstofte Music In the House

    Those of us who attended the Furman Presidential Inauguration this past Friday got to hear the premiere of two of Mark Kilstofte’s choral works, commissioned for the event. You might not know that the Furman Library recently acquired most of his past oeuvre, with one copy in the music library for check-out, study, and performance;…

  • Joan Sutherland Lives On in the Music Library

    Dame Joan Sutherland, diva soprano extraordinaire, died on Sunday at her home in Switzerland. You can read her obituary in the New York Times. Lucky for us, her voice lives on through sound and video recordings. We have a fair number in the music library collection. Remember that students can check out DVDs! Come watch…