Author: eyoung

  • Genealogy Research Workshop: From “Traces of the Trade” to Traces of the Family

    On November 1, Sharon Morgan, an expert on African American genealogy, will be working with librarians, staff, students, and university family members to share her knowledge of tracing African American family lineage. Sharon writes that “because so much about African American families was not recorded in public documents, offline resources may be the only way…

  • Spin the Wheel of Rumi

    Celebrate Islam Awareness Week and “Spin the Wheel of Rumi!” The number you land on determines which Rumi quote is meant for you. Several English translations of Rumi’s poems and books about Rumi are included in the display: The Masnavi: Book One The Masnavi: Book Two Rumi A Moth to the Flame: The Life of…

  • Islam Awareness Week

    A meet-and-greet at the library, lectures, and panel discussions are all planned during Islam Awareness Week. The first event is an opportunity to meet your Muslim classmates while enjoying donuts and coffee on the front porch of the Library. October 22 ⋅ 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. “Muslim Life on American College Campuses” will be the…

  • Win a private study room for a month!

    The library has created a private, upgraded study room reserved for the “Scholar of the Month” and their friends.  Perks include: exclusive access to the upgraded study room for one month (think of it as your own office in the library for the month of November floor-to-ceiling dry erase wall comfy lounge chair large study table with…

  • Dr. Douglas Brinkley’s Books

    Dr. Douglas Brinkley, a best-selling author and one of America’s most revered presidential historians, will speak at The Poinsett Club in downtown Greenville on Thursday, October 25, at 6 p.m. His talk, “Highs and Lows of the American Presidency: Past, Present and Future,” is sponsored by the American History Book Club (AHBC) and Forum and…

  • Celebrate Open Access Week

    Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment. Open Access ensures that anyone can access and use these results—to turn ideas into industries and breakthroughs into better lives. The Furman Libraries support open access in the following ways: Open…

  • Please Go on an Adventure with Your Gardener

    by Gabe Fresa, Library Intern, Summer 2018 Sixty-three years ago, the final book in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy was published. The series focuses on the quest to destroy the “Ring of Power” and permanently end the Dark Lord Sauron’s malevolent influence in Middle Earth. A young hobbit and his gardener encounter numerous…

  • Homecoming Tent and Open House

    Are you planning to attend Homecoming? If so, visit the Furman University Libraries’ tent on the Furman Mall. We would love to see alumni, and especially library student assistant alums, on Saturday, October 20th from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Furman’s Special Collections and Archives is celebrating Homecoming with several events throughout the weekend. “Behind the…

  • Sturm und Drang in the Library

    Sturm und Drang on Display in the Maxwell Music Library Sturm und Drang noun /shtoormˈ oont dräŋˈ/ (translated as “storm and stress”) Definition of Sturm und Drang 1 : a late 18th-century movement in German literature and music aimed at shocking the audience or imbuing them with extremes of emotion 2 : turmoil The Classical…

  • Pascal visits the library!

    Meet Pascal the bookworm! He’s visiting all the PASCAL member libraries and spreading the word about the Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries. If you need a book that we don’t have, check PASCAL ( to see if it is available through a partner library. This service is free to Furman students, faculty, and staff. Want more…