Author: eyoung
What is a GONGO?
Most people have heard of NGOs, but have you ever heard of GONGOs? GONGOs (rhymes with “bongos”) are “government-organized non-governmental organizations.” Yes, it’s an oxymoron. Meant to be distractions, these are often run by authoritarian countries as a way to adulterate criticism from human rights groups and other watchdogs. As the U.S. ambassador to the Organization for…
Republican Senator Nominated to Supreme Court
September 18, 1945 The prospect of a vacancy on the Supreme Court generally stirs speculation about which incumbent members of the Senate might be eligible candidates. Given the increasing contentiousness of the Senate review process for high court vacancies, some believe that selecting one of the Senate’s own members might smooth the road to a…
The CRAAP Test
Evaluating Your Sources: The Basics Learn to look critically at everything. Determining the quality of your resources is ultimately your responsibility, so if you have any doubts (and you should often doubt!) investigate it further. Some criteria are essential to consider for all types of sources you consider using. These include CURRENCY, RELEVANCE, AUTHORITY, ACCURACY, and…
Time Travel and Other Things to Do While Waiting for the Rest of Your Study Group to Arrive
by Gabe Fresa, Library Intern, Summer 2018 Greetings, Time-Traveler! Certainly, you are reading this because you want to begin the respectable art of treating the space-time continuum like Play-Doh at a child’s daycare. Maybe, you decided to revisit that moment in the past in which you first became interested in time travel. Whichever the case may…
Past Masters
The Furman University Libraries are hosting a database trial to Past Masters. This trial will be available through Sunday, October 7, 2018. Past Masters Past Masters series encompasses the largest collection of primary source full-text electronic editions in philosophy in the world. The series includes significant collections in the history of political thought and theory,…
Hurricane Florence
Cheers went up in the library as students received the official University email alerting them that classes would be canceled on Thursday and Friday! While day and evening classes are canceled, the James B. Duke Library will remain open and operate under normal hours. However, the Sanders Science Library and Maxwell Music Library will be…
9/11: The World Speaks
In commemoration of the seventeenth anniversary of September 11th, the Furman Libraries are highlighting the eBook, 9/11: The World Speaks. Over four million people from across the United States and around the world have come through the museum galleries of the 9/11 Tribute Museum since it opened in September 2006 right across the street from the…
PASCAL Services Temporarily Suspended
Due to Hurricane Florence, PASCAL Delivers patron requesting and courier services will be suspended effective Tuesday, September 11 until further notice. All deliveries will stop, including items already in transit, and patrons will be unable to submit requests for materials. If you need an item that Furman Libraries does not own, please use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to…
Furman’s Legacy of Slavery
This exhibition invites the Furman community and the general public to reckon with Furman University’s legacy of slavery. The themes, artifacts, and documents presented here are based on research conducted by the Task Force on Slavery and Justice, which was commissioned by the university in the spring of 2017. The exhibition is a companion to…
How to Successfully Surf a MeSH Pit
No, sorry, your librarians are not experts in surfing mosh pits. However, we can offer helpful tips for searching PubMed using MeSH terms. This video demonstrates how to use the MeSH, or Medical Subject Headings, database to create a targeted PubMed search. MeSH is the controlled vocabulary used for indexing PubMed citations. If you have questions or…