Author: Christy Allen

  • Furman Libraries Present at PASCAL Conference

    Furman Libraries Present at PASCAL Conference

    Seven Furman Library employees attended and/or presented at the PASCAL Membership Conference on June 6 and 7 in Columbia, SC. PASCAL (Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries) is a state-wide consortia for university and college libraries across the state. PASCAL has over 53 member institutions including Furman University. The two-day conference brought together library professionals…

  • Ensuring Access to Unique Library Materials

    Ensuring Access to Unique Library Materials

    The Libraries recently completed a large-scale project to ensure unique library materials remain available thanks to a partnership with library consortium EAST. The Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust (EAST) is a shared print initiative involving 60+ academic and research libraries in 11 states from Maine to Florida. EAST is focused on retaining unique, scarcely held, and…

  • Step Back in Time to the Jurassic Park of Technology

    Step Back in Time to the Jurassic Park of Technology

    As you walk into the Duke Library, you might notice a few dinosaurs. A new foyer display titled “Jurassic Tech” features a selection of old or obsolete technology. The display, created by Rick Jones and Kathie Sloan in the Digital Collections Center, provides a fun and interesting exploration of how cameras, music and audio devices,…

  • Digital Collections Center Website Refresh

    Digital Collections Center Website Refresh

    The Digital Collections Center Homepage has a fresh new look and exciting new functionality. For the first time ever, users can  search for digital collections content natively from the homepage. Simply enter a keyword or phrase that will search across all collections, or scope the search to a specific collection using the drop-down. The “Featured…

  • Duke Library Hosts Cuban Art Exhibit

    Duke Library Hosts Cuban Art Exhibit

    The James B. Duke Library hosted “Citizen Diplomacy: A Cuban Art Exhibit” from March 11th – 29th. The exhibit was held in the atrium and hosted in collaboration with Nuance Galleries.. The exhibit showcased 11 artists from Baracoa, Bayamo and Santiago, Cuba including 30+ pieces from the Rob Rowen/Clyde Hensley Collection paired with new works…

  • S.C. Baptist Church Records Now Online!

    S.C. Baptist Church Records Now Online!

    If you are interested in searching through the records of South Carolina Baptist Churches, you might want to check out The South Carolina Baptist Historical Collection at Furman University’s James B. Duke Library. This expansive collection documents individuals, churches, and associations in South Carolina Baptist history from as far back as the early 1700s. Currently,…

  • Swipe to Enter the Libraries after 7pm

    Swipe to Enter the Libraries after 7pm

    Starting Thursday, February 1st, 2024, Furman students and employees will be required to swipe their Furman ID cards to enter the Duke Library after 7pm. Library hours remain the same. This change was made to increase the safety of Furman students and library employees, while also complying with University building access guidelines. Learn more about…

  • Explore Our YA Books Collection!

    Explore Our YA Books Collection!

    Do you love to read YA books? The Furman Libraries now offers a Young Adult (YA) Books Collection in the Duke Library. For the first time ever, the YA books are grouped into a single browsing collection, allowing users to easily explore popular titles and series. The idea for the collection came from Riley Draper…

  • Snowy State of Mind

    Snowy State of Mind

    Does the library’s new home page image with its softly falling flakes have you dreaming of snow? Then check out more snowy photos in our “Furman University Historical Images” digital collection. Photos date from the 1940s through the late 1980s and show idyllic wintry campus scenes. Several of the photos are dated 1982 and show…

  • Exam Week Study Breaks!

    Exam Week Study Breaks!

    The James B. Duke Library is hosting a three study breaks during exam week: Writing Marathon (in partnership with Paladin Peer Support) Dec. 4th: 7pm – 12am. Haynsworth Room   Hot Cocoa Bar Dec. 6th: 7pm – 8:30pm. Research Assistance Desk   Rock Painting Dec. 7th: 7pm – 8:30pm. Research Assistance Desk