Furman Library News

What We’re Reading–Biology

Greg Lewis:

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus /Charles C. Mann (2006 edition).

I found it to be a really engaging examination of the civilizations and likely large human populations in the Americas prior to Columbus’ arrival and I highly recommend it.

Wade Worthen:

The Annotated Origin: A Fascimile of the first edition of On the Origin of Species/Charles Darwin, JT Costa

My brother got me a new annotated version for Xmas, and as I am teaching the “Darwin and the Galapagos” MayX, I decided to give it yet another read. Good grief!! Could I be more parochial?

Eli Hestermann:

The Science of Wine: From Vine to Glass / Jamie Goode

So far it’s a fantastic read, both explaining how science is done (scientific method, experimental techniques) through the lens of wine, and also showing how the production of wine depends on and has been improved by scientific principles.

Min-Ken Liao:

What the Dog Saw / Malcolm Gladwell
