Furman Library News

Using Groves to Navigate Complete Works

If you have ever searched for a score that the music library does not own, but you know the library owns the complete works for that composer, you might have been discouraged trying to guess which volume contains the work you need. There is an easier way!

Most of the time, you can actually use the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians to identify the volume you seek. This will work with either the online version (accessible to Furman faculty, students, and staff) or the print volumes (Ref ML100 .N48).

1. First, look up the composer by his or her last name. Under the entry, find the section labeled WORKS. Most composers will have WORKS sections divided by type of work, so turn or click to the appropriate section.

2. The pieces will be listed by catalog number (BWV, K., H., op.) which is the easiest way to look up a work, but you will also be able to find it by scanning through the list.

3. If the composer has had multiple complete works sets published, they will be abbreviated in the righthand side. Find which set the library has by doing a search for ([composer name] and works) in the online catalog. For instance Bach and works, limiting to scores. The Maxwell Music Library owns both of the sets referenced under the entry for Johann Sebastian Bach.

4. On the same line as the entry for the work you are seeking, look underneath the desired set of collected works that you plan to use. Listed should be a volume number. Look up the volume number, and you have found your piece!

(Screenshot: Wolff, Christoph: ‘Bach, Johann Sebastian – WORKS’, Grove Music Online ed. L. Macy (Accessed [22 March 2007]), http://www.grovemusic.com)

Categories: Research Tool