Furman Library News

Skating Along at Furman

Finals are nearly over and the winter break is fast approaching! The Furman Libraries’ website celebrates the impending break with a festive image of skaters on Furman’s lake. This photograph was most likely taken in January of 1977. It was a particularly cold winter that year with a few snow storms and several weeks of very cold temperatures allowing the Lake to freeze over. According to a student newspaper article of the time “While many students and faculty took to the lake with their skates, Chief Charlie Garret of Public Safety expressed a great deal of concern about the thickness of the ice on the lake due to fluctuating temperatures and different water levels. There are really very few times and places when the lake can safely be used for skating.” (Furman Paladin January 31st, 1977)

This warning didn’t stop intrepid skaters, though! A color photograph from 1977 shows Furman students navigating the ice, some with easy confidence, and others with great trepidation.

5 photographs in black-and-white and color of skaters on the Furman lake and in the Furman fountains

Skating wasn’t just limited to the Lake. During at least two winters in the 1960s, skaters took their blades to the fountain in front of the Duke Library! In 1963, professional figure skater, Ted Willis, used the frozen fountain to practice his routine from “Holiday on Ice”. Several years later, in 1969, a student practiced his hockey moves in the fountain.

It’s unlikely the weather will get cold enough this winter for skaters to rejoice, but we hope this glimpse into Furman’s wintry past has brought a smile to your face!