Furman Library News

What Libby and Rebekah are Reading (Along with the Rest of Us)

Here’s our July edition of What We’re Reading

Libby’s been reading Deacon King Kong by James McBride and said:

“Love it! Funny and relatable characters set in late 1960s NYCity. McBride has you routing for the Black drug dealers in the projects, the Italian mobsters and the corrupt Irish cops all at the same time. All the story lines are about to come together, and I can’t wait, but also will be sad to finish and say goodbye to the people he’s created.”

Rebekah’s reading Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors by Robyn Gobbel and said:

“This is a fantastic book from a therapist who totally gets the brain and how various things impact processing and therefore behavior. She’s been a great resource for me for several years now, and I’m finally getting to read her book.”

We’d love to know what you all are reading too! You can tell us in the comments.