Furman Library News

BHM #9 – Civil Rights and Social Justice

HeinOnline’s Civil Rights and Social Justice database brings together diverse publications covering civil rights in the United States.  

This database is packed with great resources all in one place!  It contains links to scholarly articles, hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on the landmark legislation, CRS and GAO reports, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights.

Beginners might start their search by clicking on the “Civil Rights and Social Justice” link at the top of the default search page to find the hidden gems. Navigate across the top of the results page to see the broad categories of information types, like “Supreme Court Briefs” and “Scholarly Articles.” The “libguide” link at the top is also extremely useful. Familiar keyword and field search features allow for more tailored searching.  

HeinOnline also publishes informative libguides of resources within the suite:  

And, a video overview of the collection is available here:  https://youtu.be/vqh67D7kdE8?si=54kjOv5esh450voU 

In the interest of being a good corporate citizen, HeinOnline makes this suite available free of charge to its core American and international subscribers, and to the libraries of any other interested organizations or institutions. Registering for free access to any one of these databases will provide complimentary access to the entire suite.  

