Furman Library News

LibDEI: Black History 2023 Day 17 – Guyana

Population: 400,124

Motto: One People, One Nation, One Destiny.

Guyana is the only English-speaking country in South America.

The world’s largest single drop waterfall, Kaieteur Falls is in Guyana, with a total length of 823 feet (5 times higher than Niagara Falls) and is among the most powerful in the world.

Georgetown, the capital, is also known as the City of Wooden Houses. It is home to St. George’s Cathedral, one of the largest wooden churches in the world, famous for its white façade, the cathedral’s interior is full of ornamental elements depicting historical events of Christian and Caribbean traditions.[above]

The official national anthem is “Dear Land of Guyana, Of Rivers and Plains”:

Dear land of Guyana, of rivers and plains
Made rich by the sunshine, and lush by the rains,
Set gem-like and fair, between mountains and seas,
Your children salute you, dear land of the free.

Green land of Guyana, our heroes of yore,
Both bondsmen and free, laid their bones on your shore.
This soil so they hallowed, and from them are we,
All sons of one Mother, Guyana the free.

Great land of Guyana, diverse though our strains,
We’re born of their sacrifice, heirs of their pains,
And ours is the glory their eyes did not see,
One land of six peoples, united and free.

Dear land of Guyana, to you will we give,
Our homage, our service, each day that we live;
God guard you, great Mother, and make us to be
More worthy our heritage, land of the free.

Listen to the national anthem.