Furman Library News

Free Open Access Publishing in Wiley

The Furman University Libraries are thrilled to announce the first publication of an article under a new open access agreement with Wiley.

Professor of Chemistry, Greg Springsteen, became the first Furman professor to publish under the new agreement. The article, A Plausible Prebiotic One-Pot Synthesis of Orotate and Pyruvate Suggestive of Common Protometabolic Pathways, was published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition on January 10. The work, performed by undergraduates Alyssa Clay and Rachel Cooke in the Springsteen lab, demonstrates potential chemistries that may have operated at the origins of life.

This new agreement is a Research & Publishing model, which rolls access and publishing fees into a single contract, allowing faculty members to publish open access at no cost to themselves. If you’re unsure about publishing under this agreement, Wiley has a white paper on the benefits of publishing open access. They also provide resources to assist scholars in the research, writing, and submission process. Some of the resources available through Wiley Author Services include:

  • Workflows, guides, and information on submission
  • Eligibility criteria (to save you time when you’re looking to submit)
  • Resources for every stage of the author journey
  • Advantages of publishing open access with Wiley
  • Tips and tools, resources, and solutions to help promote their work

For more information on Open access publishing opportunities visit the Furman University Libraries’ Open Access Initiative page or contact your librarians with any questions you might have.
