Furman Library News

What’s New at Furman Libraries?

Are you looking for the latest Furman Libraries news? Well you’ve come to the right place.We have a new faculty member in our archives, we’ve received donations from our Dins Day fundraiser, and we’ve published a new edition of our newsletter.

Nashieli Marcano

Dr. Marcano comes to us from the Kennesaw State University Library System where she held the position of Graduate Librarian for Humanities and Social sciences. Her new role at Furman is Archivist and Digital Collections Librarian. She will be coordinating with the other three Duke Endowed Libraries, assisting faculty and staff in studying and researching our institutional history with race and racism, and working with graduate and undergraduate students in their research. When you see her around please be sure to give her a warm welcome and be on the look out for an introductory blog next week where you can learn a bit more about Dr. Marcano.

Dins Day

On Dins Day 2021 the Furman University Libraries received the most donations of any academic department at Furman, raising $13,900. This was in great part due to a generous matching gift challenge of $10,000 donated by Dr. Janis Bandelin, Furman University Director of Libraries Emerita, and her husband Bill Fitzpatrick.
Donated funds will support and enhance the Libraries’ ongoing initiatives to strengthen diversity, equity, and inclusion. Slated projects include:

  • Supporting the efforts of our new visiting Archivist/Digital Collections Librarian, who will focus on Furman’s racial history and diversity.
  • Enhancing our Inclusive Artwork Project.
  • Transcribing/captioning video and audio files in support of digital equity.
  • Purchasing resources for LBGTQ+ history and research, including additions to the Queer Zine Collection.
  • Expanding the Furman Oral History Program as a means of archiving diverse perspectives and experiences.


Our newest issue of the Furman University Libraries Fulcrum newsletter is available. You can download the Fulcrum as a pdf or you can download the Fulcrum as an accessible Word Document. This issue include some of the information above about Dins Day as well as:

  • Message from Library Director, Caroline Mills
  • Staff Member Recognition
  • Outstanding Developments
  • News from Digital & Resource Management and Outreach & Access Service
  • Special Collections & Archives
  • A Fond Farewell to Steve Richardson