The Origins of May Day

Did you ever wonder about the origins of May Day? The National Museum of American History offers a fascinating look into the origin of the holiday in this 2 part blog article:

At one point, they note “The resurgence of May Day traditions began in the 1870s on women’s college campuses, where the children of wealthy families donned white outfits, [and] danced traditional folk dances”. Such was the case at Greenville Woman’s College. May Day pageants featuring queens, courts, and ladies in white outfits were a common tradition from the 1920s through the 1950s. The Furman Historical Images digital collection offers a small selection of May Day Photographs. View all May Day photographs here

Women standing in a circle twirling ribbons around a May pole
The 1930 May Day celebrations. On the left is the May Queen and her full court. In the center is the May Pole and the May Pole dancers.




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