Furman Library News

Slacks Allowed in JBD on Saturdays

The newly updated Furman Student Newspapers Collection is now online. The collection includes scans of the print newspapers from 1916 through April 2018. A huge thank you to the Digital Collections Center staff and student assistants who made this collection a reality. The new scans, better OCR, and improved metadata really improve the usability of this important resource. The DCC will continue to add current newspapers on a regular basis.

The following Furman Paladin article published on November 1, 1968, reminds female students about a new dress code. A ruling was passed which allowed women students (only on Saturdays!) to “wear sports clothes all day on campus, even in the library.”

Paladin Newspaper Article November 1, 1968


One response to “Slacks Allowed in JBD on Saturdays”

  1. robyn andrews

    Equally as entertaining is the “survey” for The Furman Lady? Question #7?? Wow!