Newly Activated Database Trials

The Furman University Libraries are offering a selection of database trials. To discover and access trial databases, visit the library’s guide for Electronic Resources Trials. Ethnic NewsWatch  Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW) is a collection of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press. This resource includes unique community publications not found in any other database, as . . .Continue reading Newly Activated Database Trials

Fall Break Hours

The James B. Duke Library will be operating under an altered schedule during Fall Break. October 6  Saturday  1:00pm-5:00pm October 7  Sunday  1:00pm-5:00pm October 8  Monday  9:00am-5:00pm October 9  Tuesday  9:00am-1:00am

SSL is your BFF

Dogs (and the Sanders Science Library) Are Your Best Friends A display in the Sanders Science Library celebrates dogs and Furman students. Titles include: A dog’s history of America: how our best friend explored, conquered, and settled a continent Origins of the domestic dog: the fossil record Dog sense: how the new science of dog . . .Continue reading SSL is your BFF