Furman Library News

Sturm und Drang in the Library

Sturm und Drang on Display in the Maxwell Music Library

Sturm und Drang
/shtoormˈ oont dräŋˈ/
(translated as “storm and stress”)

Definition of Sturm und Drang
1 : a late 18th-century movement in German literature and music aimed at shocking the audience or imbuing them with extremes of emotion
2 : turmoil

The Classical period music (1750–1800) associated with Sturm und Drang is predominantly written in a minor key to convey difficult or depressing sentiments. The principal themes tend to be angular, with large leaps and unpredictable melodic contours. Tempi and dynamics change rapidly and unpredictably in order to reflect strong changes of emotion. Pulsing rhythms and syncopation are common, as are racing lines in the soprano or alto registers. Writing for string instruments features tremolo and sudden, dramatic dynamic changes and accents.