Furman Library News

Who is Mr. Maxwell?


The Robert J. Maxwell Media Center and Library is named for Mr. Robert J. Maxwell, Jr., a local philanthropist. Mr. Maxwell believed that “God had blessed him with wealth, and his burden was to use it wisely,”* and so during his life and through his estate, he gave generously to those around him who were in need, including thirteen non-profit agencies, churches, and colleges. In addition to being the named donor for the Media Center, Mr. Maxwell funded the Vickwell voice scholarships and endowed other scholarships in Art and Psychology. In addition to this support, he befriended and assisted a number of other music students. A member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Greenville, Mr. Maxwell was a singer and music enthusiast. He was a humble, eccentric, and generous man. Each Christmas he gave friends and professional associates presents he carefully chose and wrapped himself or cookies he baked. Mr. Maxwell was a 1941 graduate of the University of Georgia who majored in English and was a stickler for proper grammar. He passed away December 31, 1998.

*Quote by Bing Vick in Abe Hardesty, “Robert Jefferson Maxwell Jr.,” City People Section, Greenville News, June 28, 2000.