Furman Library News

American Hookup

American Hookup – CLP

WHEN:   Thursday, April 19, 2018, 7 – 8pm

WHERE: Blackwell Field Lawn Area, Trone Student Center Watkins Room

This event will be a lecture by Lisa Wade (PhD, Occidental College). Wade will discuss her recent book American Hookup: The New Culture of Sex on Campus (Norton). American Hookup examines contemporary sexual culture on college campuses as it is experienced by students themselves. Wade argues that hookup culture provides a set of rules for sexual interaction that constrain students’ ability to form meaningful, lasting relationships in college, even when they want to. The rules of hookup culture also play to gender stereotypes, alienating gender-nonconforming students and leaving some students, particularly women, vulnerable to sexual aggression and assault. Wade’s research merges historical analysis with contemporary data from student journal entries and interviews. She explains how “hooking up” has become so synonymous with the college experience, and shows how college students today navigate such a hegemonic sexual culture.

Click here to locate American Hookup: The New Culture of Sex on Campus in the James B. Duke Library.