Furman Library News

Recently Activated Database Trials

The Furman University Libraries are offering a selection of database trials. To discover and access trial databases, visit the library’s guide for Electronic Resources Trials.

The Princeton Index of Medieval Art
The Index of Medieval Art online database includes images and descriptive data relating to works of art produced between early apostolic times and the sixteenth century. Although the Index of Medieval Art was formerly known as the Index of Christian Art, the collection now includes secular subjects as well as a growing number of subjects from medieval Jewish and Islamic culture. About half of the total records held in the Index are currently online; back-files and new material are added regularly. This trial will be available until Monday, April 30, 2018.

Churchill Archive
The Churchill Archive brings nearly 800,000 original documents produced between 1874 and 1965 and amassed by Winston S. Churchill throughout his life online for the first time.This collection includes personal correspondence as well as official exchanges with kings, presidents, politicians, and military leaders. To complement the core content, the Churchill Archive offers an expanding range of additional materials, including pedagogical resources and secondary materials, plus editorially-selected links to other resources, video and audio content, and biographical and bibliographic databases.
This trial will be available through Wednesday, April 25, 2018.

We would like your feedback about our trials.  Our feedback form is simple, and will take you less than 2 minutes to complete.