In the segment linked via the image above, see Kukulcan’s appearance on the temple at Chichen Itza during the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. It’s from a BBC documentary entitled Tilt: Orbit—Earth’s Extraordinary Journey.
Our Films on Demand database offers streaming access to over 25,000 documentary films with closed captioning and interactive transcripts. The database itself is searchable by segment as well as title. Both levels are indexed in the library catalog as well.
In addition to the clip linked above, Films on Demand offers 58 other segments about Chichen Itza, including the following:
- Temple of Chichen Itza, from Three Dimensional Geometry
- Chichen Itza: At the Mouth of the Well
- Chichen Itza Culture, from Maya Underworld: The Real Doomsday
Bonus points to anyone who spots the grammatical errors in the Equinox transcript.