Furman Library News

Embrace this Database: ImageQuest

Aerial view of Howard Carter’s archaeological excavations of the tombs of the Pharoahs Ramesses VI and Tutankhamen (better known as King Tut), Valley of the Kings, Thebes (modern day city of Luxor), Egypt, 1922. This image, courtesy of Getty Images, is included in the library’s subscription to the ImageQuest database.

Today is the anniversary of the discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamen, one of the most important archaeological discoveries of modern times. On November 4, 1922, more than 3,200 years after King Tut’s reign, British archaeologist, Howard Carter, discovered one of the only unplundered royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes (modern day city of Luxor), Egypt.

Perhaps you’d like to browse through one of the many books our library has about the life and and times of the boy king:

The Furman Libraries’ image database, ImageQuest, offers access to approximately three million images from over 50 different collections. All images in ImageQuest are rights-cleared for non-commercial, educational use including use in reports and projects or on school Web sites, newsletters, newspapers, flyers, and bulletins.