Furman Library News

Tell Congress You Support Libraries

Support Libraries by Writing a Postcard to Sen. Lindsey Graham

The South Carolina Library Association is gathering signed post cards to take to Senator Lindsey Graham because he serves on both the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Budget Committee. Please let him know you value libraries!

While much library funding comes from local sources, Federal monies support things like:

  • Summer reading programs for children
  • Books for the blind and deaf
  • State-wide subscriptions to databases you use for research such as Academic Search Premier and PsychInfo, and Business Source Complete
  • PASCAL resource sharing throughout the state
  • Books for K-12 school libraries
  • Internet connections in schools and public libraries

If we don’t tell him these things matter, he won’t know!

The cards are at the Research Assistance Desk. Just write a couple of sentences telling him how you value your public library at home, the library you used in high school, or the resources we have here at Furman. Leave the postcard with us and  SCLA will deliver them, along with thousands of others, next month!

If you are interested in more detailed information of how monies are appropriated to libraries in South Carolina, or if you’d like to join in library advocacy, please talk to outreach librarian Libby Young.