Furman Library News

Furman University Scholar Exchange

Did you realize that the Furman University Scholar Exchange (FUSE) is fully integrated with Google Scholar? When users search Google Scholar, your research in FUSE appears high in their search results. This means your research is being downloaded and read more frequently.

If you have research in FUSE, you can keep track of how often it’s viewed and/or downloaded in the following ways:

1. You can visit the online FUSE record for your research. This page will display the number of times your research was downloaded (see image).

2. You can receive monthly readership e-mails which will provide you with detailed information about your readers including their geographical locations and their institutions (if applicable). To receive readership e-mails, contact scholarexchange@furman.edu.

3. You can request detailed Google Analytics statistics related to your research
including number of views on specific devices/browsers, times and dates of
specific downloads, and how your research statistics compare to other research in
your department or in FUSE. To request specific Google Analytics statistics,
contact scholarexchange@furman.edu.