Furman Library News

Films on Demand

You know that the Libraries gives our campus access to streaming documentaries and films, right?

You know that you can watch them in class or on your computer, your iPad, or your phone, right?

You know that you can embed clips of them into Power Points or into Moodle, right?

You know that you can find them at Films on Demand, which is one of our databases, right?

You know that you can also find every title in our Library Catalog, too, right? By subject, too, right?

We thought so!

But did you know Films on Demand adds hundreds of new films each month? Would you like to look at some of the titles of the newest ones? We think you’ll find something you can use for a presentation, or that will supplement something you’re learning in class, or that you can watch while waiting for your laundry to dry. Enjoy!