Furman Library News

Migrate “Legacy” RefWorks Entries

Migrating Your “Legacy” Refworks Entries into New RefWorks

1. Even though you had an account for the old RefWorks, you need to create a new one for the new RefWorks. Navigate to http://libguides.furman.edu/go.php?c=21175486 and click the CREATE ACCOUNT button under the login line. Use your Furman email address so it knows you’re authorized to have an account.

2. Once you’re signed in to the new RefWorks, click the plus (+) sign at the top left:

3. Select “Import references” from the menu:

4. Under “Import from another reference manager,” select “RefWorks.”

5. Under “Import references,” click “Authorize.”

6. Login using your OLD RefWorks account information.

7. It will begin importing, slowly.

8. Click OK. All done.