Furman Library News

Workshops & Training

Work smarter, not harder.

On-demand workshops from the libraries can be requested as individual training sessions, group sessions (departmental retreats or committee meetings), or as sessions for classes you are teaching. We can also meet with students one-on-one. You may contact your library liaison or send an email to libraryreference@furman.edu.


Audio and Music Resources: Streaming and physical resources.

Author’s Rights: Understand your rights as an author and how these can be enhanced or diminished when publishing.

Citation Managers: Selecting the appropriate tool, training in use of NoodleTools, RefWorks, Zotero, and/or Mendeley, and how to export previous EndNote libraries.

Copyright & Fair Use: An overview of your rights and responsibilities for sharing copyrighted materials in your classrooms and beyond.

Database Refresher: Get an update on what is available in your field.

Developing/Tweaking Research Assignments: Screen for common pitfalls, and explore how the latest offerings from the libraries can refresh assignments.

Digital Collections and Digital Humanities: Collaborate with experts from the Digital Collections Center to scan and describe unique materials and build/ manage online collections.

eBooks: Searching, usage, and considerations for incorporating into courses.

Film Resources: Streaming and physical resources.

FUSE (Furman University Scholar Exchange): Learn how to make your research and scholarship more openly accessible; build online profiles of your work; easily manage customized websites for conferences, events, and journals.

Image Resources: From primary sources to Creative Commons images appropriate for public presentations.

Impact Factor & Altmetrics: What they are, what they do (and don’t) mean, and how to find them.

Open Access: Resources and advice for identifying and evaluating open access opportunities.

Open Education Resources: An introduction to free and flexible curricular materials, including textbooks, videos, assignments, and more.

Primary Sources: Discover our physical collections and extensive digital collections.

Research Instruction: Within a class, meeting with students individually or in groups, or for your own research.

Search Alerts: Learn how to setup automatic notices for new research in your field.

Turnitin: An introduction and best practices for utilizing Turnitin with your class assignments.