Furman Library News

Embracing the Digital Liberal Arts

The Digital Collections Center has always been committed to supporting faculty digitization projects, so it is no surprise that the Center recently began contributing its expertise to the creation of digital liberal arts projects housed in the Furman University Scholar Exchange (FUSE).

The Center recently worked with Music Librarian Patricia Sasser and Furman Advantage Student Vivian Tompkins (’17) to create a digital collection of 19th century Scandinavian sheet music. The music is a collection of print and manuscript scores collected by amateur musician Birgit Krohn (1881-1972).

The Digital Collections Center also collaborated with Dr. Gretchen Braun (English Department) and the library’s Special Collections and Archives to digitize the original 1830s serialized publication of the Charles Dickens novel “Bleak House.” The serials contain original illustrations by H.K. Browne (Phiz) and original advertisements. The materials will be used in Dr. Braun’s class “Victorian Literature and Culture.”

To view the digital liberal arts projects visit: http://libguides.furman.edu/digital-liberal-arts

Interested in creating a digital scholarship project, digital exhibit, or digital humanities collection in the Furman University Scholar Exchange (FUSE)? Contact us at scholarexchange@furman.edu.