Furman Library News

52 Years of Televised U.S. Presidential Debates

In 1960, when John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon met face to face in the first televised presidential debates in American history, a new era began in which on-camera personality, media exposure, and public image had major impacts on political campaigns. Fifty-six years later, televised presidential debates have become commonplace and even more critical to the outcome of presidential elections.

Just added to Films on Demand, the new U.S. Presidential Election Debates series, together with the Ronald Reagan-John Anderson debate of 1980, offer a fascinating look back at every televised United States presidential election debate in history. Watch each debate in full and explore how they have changed over the years. Compare significant points in the debates to the eventual outcomes of the elections. Listen closely to identify the issues that the candidates both are and are not addressing, rank the candidates by how effective they were at conveying their points, and rate the accuracy of the candidates’ claims. Once elected, did the presidents follow through on their campaign promises?

What is Films on Demand?  Films on Demand is a source of high-quality video and multimedia for academic, vocational and life-skills content. Streaming video is available in a variety of subject areas. There currently is an issue with Chrome browser and Adobe Flash. If you have a problem viewing films using Chrome, please try another browser.

presidential election debate series