Furman Library News

Website Maintenance: 2/10 (Completed)

The Library’s web server maintenance is complete!

The library.furman.edu web server will be inaccessible due to scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, February 10th from 12:01am – 2:00am.

 The following web services will be unavailable during this time:

  • the Special Collections website
  • the http://library.furman.edu URL
  • the “Text a Call Number” function in the Library’s Catalog

The computers in the Research Commons and 24 Hour Lounge of Duke Library should be able to access the Libraries website with no problems (except as noted above). If you try to access the Library’s website during this maintenance time and cannot, you may be trying to access it using the URL “http://library.furman.edu.”

Try typing in: http://libguides.furman.edu/library/home and you should be able to gain access to the Library’s website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail librarywebservices@furman.edu.
